Quick Look On Cold Chain


The term “cold chain logistics” was first appeared in China in 2000.

The cold chain logistics refers to the whole integrated network equipped with special equipment that keeps fresh and frozen food at the fixed low temperature during all the phases from production to consumption. (From “the People's Republic of China National Standard Logistics Terms “ issued by State Bureau of Technical Supervision Year2001)


3.The Market Size-- China's cold chain logistics industry

It is estimated that by 2025, the market size of China's cold chain logistics industry will reach about 466 billion


The Drive of-- China's cold chain logistics industry?

The main factors that drive cold chain forward
Per capita GDP, income growth, consumption upgrading
Urbanization will increase and consumer demand will increase
Stricter policies and regulations promote the development of the cold chain
The popularity of the Internet and the convenience of mobile application services
Fresh food E-business Platform development

The continuous improvement of the total demand of fresh e-commerce promotes the development of the cold chain industry of the whole food and agricultural products, and continues to bring a lot of cold chain logistics enterprises
Order, thus promoting the development of the cold chain logistics industry


Data&source:Cold Chain Logistics Committee of CFLP(China Federation Of Logistics And Purchasing)

Post time: Jul-17-2021